Sunday, May 3, 2015

Lab 10: Leaflet Heat Map

2014 Cocaine Arrests in Seattle Police Beats


Blog Post 10: Census Data of Canada

This map highlight the huge divesity of Canada and its immigrants. You can hover each section over Canada it will telly you the percentage of the immigrants are and the color from the legend corresponds from where.

Its interesting to see all the different where the majority of people from other countries settle in what parts of Canada. For example Toronto seems to have a pretty big Jamaican and Chinese immigrant population.  Check the map and an article tied to it below.

Blog Post 9: Earthquake In Nepal

This maps shows the displacement of the ground in Nepal after the earthquake.  It was created using satellite imagery from the Sentinel-1 satellite from the European Space Agency. It primarily uses radar as its main instrument to collect data so I am assuming that radar was used to collect the data on the ground displacement.

How it can determine the amount of displacement is using pervious radar imagery of Nepal and the surrounding areas then comparing it with the data after the earthquake to see how much change has occurred.

I think this map shows us how powerful the quake was shifting the landmasses. Check out more photos of the satellite imagery and the article on the link below.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Blog Post 8: Crime Heat Maps in DC

This site is focuses on real estate so they highlight schools, crime and other areas you would factor into buying or renting a place. The crime tab shows a heat map of the area using a red to green scale (Red meaning less safe, green meaning safe). It also has roll over information for certain crimes, Its not updated very frequently and doesn't update with all reported crimes maybe only a few in an area so the information provided should be taken with a grain of salt. Check out the map on the link below you can also look at other areas besides DC.

Lab 9: Leaflet.js Part II

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Lab 8: Leaflet.js Part I I used total population from european countries because the city data was limited and didn't provide population for different years for all the cities.

Blog Post 7: Global Flooding Map

This map shows the possible global change sea level and how it would effect countries. You can change inches the sea level rises and zoom in to see more closely how the countries mostly their borders will be covered with water as sea level rises. It also shows the estimated population that would be flooded in certain countries. Check out the map on the link below.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Final Project Proposal

For my final project I want to create an interactive tour map using Jamie XX’s tour for the summer and fall schedule. Reason why I choose this is because I like his music, his minimalistic art style, and I thought it would be helpful for someone trying to see where he is performing and where it would be easiest to see him. Primarily the audience for this map is fans of Jamie XX.

 I will be using similar design elements used on his website and album art, using his logo, same color schemes, and fonts. I will be using flash for project, but I want this to be a useable map with clickable links that lead to the actual place to buy tickets at the venue and have the actually point on the map close to where the location is.

Currently there are 24 tour dates announced which are located all over the world but most in the US and Europe which ill be plotting. Because his design is really simple I don’t want to clutter the map, so I will follow similar design cues used on his website and album art. I have all the hex codes the colors he uses in his album art, his logo is really easy to recreate, I just need the names of the fonts or find similar fonts that match.

Elements I want incorporate are:
- A splash screen to give a brief idea of what people are going to be looking at.
-Roll over elements on the location of the tour showing what the name of the venue is and if it’s a part of a festival or not.
-Also clickable Links on the locations to lead to the actual venues site to buy tickets
-A side bar showing all the dates for each location.

Issues and concerns I have are:
-If I should have a static map of the world or create a zoom able map in flash which I am not sure how to do and I am sure I can figure out online
-Because of the design being simple, I think it might be too little to have on a final project

- I want/wanted to maybe try to use create a leaflet map of the locations But I don’t know if that’s doable in the time frame because I would want to have the locations be clickable to lead to the venue site and also I would be missing out design elements that are signature to the artist because I am not sure how to incorporate it them also in the time frame and if its out of the scope of my current knowledge to do so.
- Copyright issues.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blog Post 6: Migration of Early Man

This interactive map's splash page gives you details on who created the map what it tells you and how they got the data for it. Each part time you click forward to another part of the migration trails there is a link to a more detailed information on the time and people. I like that there a way to get more information on the map but the map overall seems amateurish. If you wanna check out the map check out the link below.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Blog Post 5: Shrinkage of Unions Throughout the US

This map shows how unions membership  all over the United States are decreased year by year. The map is simple and gets to the point with its timeline. There isn't much else going on the map, you can play the time line and watch it go through the years or simply scroll into each year seeing the percentages. Thats what I like about you can use the interactive capabilities you don't even need to read the article to get the idea of whats going on with union memberships besides the obvious title.
Check out the link below on the map and more information on it.

Blog Post 4: Chicago Crime Hotspots

This map displays various crime data throughout the Chicago area morphing through the years. The deep red areas are where a large amount of crimes are happening. The map looks like one of the those dynamic weather maps as the windows or storms move through the area so just looking at the map you might it has to deal with weather. The polygons morphing is abrupt and not smooth, I think that has to do with the huge amount of data, the fact it is month to month data, and how each crime location makes the polygon morph even the slightest. If the map was broken down to maybe a weekly or daily data throughout the month we would see the hotspots grow out and it would look a lot better.

There are three speeds to play the animation which I like allows you to visualize how the changes take place if you play it at the full speed you see how the hotspots fade out in some areas. I also think how the map is created is really interesting, and would like to know more about the incorporation of D3 into mapping. Check out the link below for more information on the map and how it was made.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Lab 3: Transparency

Blog Post 3: Arlington Transit Map

This map of Arlington Transit(ART) is really detailed. You can filter the stops of the ART bus, the Metrobus, even the VRE. You can also turn off and on the layers of the Different metro rail lines to see if the ART buses or other buses intersect with them. Its a bit confusing at first but I think its really useful if you're new to DC and Arlington area and don't have a car because it covers a lot of facets of public transportation.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Blog Post 2: Interactive European Map

This map depicts the changes in borders and groups throughout European history. It goes into more detail if you hover over each area gives information on the country and major events that occurred. as you move the arrow buttons forward it moves into subsections into history of important eras when you reach WWI and WWII it breaks down each year and gives you a more detailed look into it. It feels cramped overall with the text boxes when you click the countries,  but its really informative. Check it out in the link below. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Blog Post 1: US Energy Map

This map depicts the different types of energy used throughout the United States. You can zoom in more to a specific area get details on the different types of energy being produced in different states even see how natural gas pipelines travel through the united states. What I like about this map is you can filter out the energy types your not interested in and just keep the ones you are interested in and see where they located. For example you can only display the solar power plants and see where they are located throughout the US or see if there are any in the area you live. Check out the link below to see the map