Thursday, March 12, 2015

Blog Post 4: Chicago Crime Hotspots

This map displays various crime data throughout the Chicago area morphing through the years. The deep red areas are where a large amount of crimes are happening. The map looks like one of the those dynamic weather maps as the windows or storms move through the area so just looking at the map you might it has to deal with weather. The polygons morphing is abrupt and not smooth, I think that has to do with the huge amount of data, the fact it is month to month data, and how each crime location makes the polygon morph even the slightest. If the map was broken down to maybe a weekly or daily data throughout the month we would see the hotspots grow out and it would look a lot better.

There are three speeds to play the animation which I like allows you to visualize how the changes take place if you play it at the full speed you see how the hotspots fade out in some areas. I also think how the map is created is really interesting, and would like to know more about the incorporation of D3 into mapping. Check out the link below for more information on the map and how it was made.

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