Monday, April 6, 2015

Final Project Proposal

For my final project I want to create an interactive tour map using Jamie XX’s tour for the summer and fall schedule. Reason why I choose this is because I like his music, his minimalistic art style, and I thought it would be helpful for someone trying to see where he is performing and where it would be easiest to see him. Primarily the audience for this map is fans of Jamie XX.

 I will be using similar design elements used on his website and album art, using his logo, same color schemes, and fonts. I will be using flash for project, but I want this to be a useable map with clickable links that lead to the actual place to buy tickets at the venue and have the actually point on the map close to where the location is.

Currently there are 24 tour dates announced which are located all over the world but most in the US and Europe which ill be plotting. Because his design is really simple I don’t want to clutter the map, so I will follow similar design cues used on his website and album art. I have all the hex codes the colors he uses in his album art, his logo is really easy to recreate, I just need the names of the fonts or find similar fonts that match.

Elements I want incorporate are:
- A splash screen to give a brief idea of what people are going to be looking at.
-Roll over elements on the location of the tour showing what the name of the venue is and if it’s a part of a festival or not.
-Also clickable Links on the locations to lead to the actual venues site to buy tickets
-A side bar showing all the dates for each location.

Issues and concerns I have are:
-If I should have a static map of the world or create a zoom able map in flash which I am not sure how to do and I am sure I can figure out online
-Because of the design being simple, I think it might be too little to have on a final project

- I want/wanted to maybe try to use create a leaflet map of the locations But I don’t know if that’s doable in the time frame because I would want to have the locations be clickable to lead to the venue site and also I would be missing out design elements that are signature to the artist because I am not sure how to incorporate it them also in the time frame and if its out of the scope of my current knowledge to do so.
- Copyright issues.

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