Sunday, May 3, 2015

Lab 10: Leaflet Heat Map

2014 Cocaine Arrests in Seattle Police Beats


Blog Post 10: Census Data of Canada

This map highlight the huge divesity of Canada and its immigrants. You can hover each section over Canada it will telly you the percentage of the immigrants are and the color from the legend corresponds from where.

Its interesting to see all the different where the majority of people from other countries settle in what parts of Canada. For example Toronto seems to have a pretty big Jamaican and Chinese immigrant population.  Check the map and an article tied to it below.

Blog Post 9: Earthquake In Nepal

This maps shows the displacement of the ground in Nepal after the earthquake.  It was created using satellite imagery from the Sentinel-1 satellite from the European Space Agency. It primarily uses radar as its main instrument to collect data so I am assuming that radar was used to collect the data on the ground displacement.

How it can determine the amount of displacement is using pervious radar imagery of Nepal and the surrounding areas then comparing it with the data after the earthquake to see how much change has occurred.

I think this map shows us how powerful the quake was shifting the landmasses. Check out more photos of the satellite imagery and the article on the link below.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Blog Post 8: Crime Heat Maps in DC

This site is focuses on real estate so they highlight schools, crime and other areas you would factor into buying or renting a place. The crime tab shows a heat map of the area using a red to green scale (Red meaning less safe, green meaning safe). It also has roll over information for certain crimes, Its not updated very frequently and doesn't update with all reported crimes maybe only a few in an area so the information provided should be taken with a grain of salt. Check out the map on the link below you can also look at other areas besides DC.

Lab 9: Leaflet.js Part II

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Lab 8: Leaflet.js Part I I used total population from european countries because the city data was limited and didn't provide population for different years for all the cities.